Tree service professionals of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania encourage their customers to plant edible fruit trees.
Edible Landscape Design Has Many Benefits
What could be more lovely than seeing trees and flowers blooming in the spring and growing in the summer in your own front yard? The answer may be eating fruits and vegetables from your own trees and plants. This can benefit not only the family growing them, but fruit trees in landscaping can be beneficial for the whole area.
Reasons To Choose Edible Fruit Trees
Not only do trees do the work of creating oxygen for the entire planet, they also provide shade as well as soil protection. Fruit trees are often smaller than some of their cousins and may grow faster as well. A few of the big benefits that come from planting fruit trees are helping out pollinating insects, providing a natural habitat for local fauna, and having fresher fruit without unknown chemicals.
- Pollinators: Bees, butterflies, moths, and other pollinating insects are always looking for food sources. The blooms that will become fruit provide for the bees, et al. while the insects do the job of making the fruit possible.
- Natural Habitat: As population centers grow, natural habitats tend to disappear. Providing a tree that can support multiple kinds of wildlife is essential for maintaining balance between civilization and the natural world.
- Fresh Fruit: The fruit that comes off a backyard tree is going to be much fresher than what can be purchased from a local farmer’s market. It is certainly fresher than what you would find at the local grocery store.
- Fewer Chemicals: If you choose to put a pesticide on your trees, you know what is in it. When you are buying fruit in the stores, you have no knowledge of the exact products used on them.
Healthier eating leads to feeling better which can affect your overall life attitude. Having fruit trees also provides activities for the whole household to engage in.
What Tree(s) Should You Choose?
There are many fruit trees that thrive in Pennsylvania soil. It is always best to choose native tree if possible or ones that will work well with the natural habitat and not against it.
Some of the most common ones people plant are:
- Pear trees
- Apple trees
- Paw paw trees(native)
- Mulberry trees
- Persimmon trees
- Cherry trees
Consult a reputable local tree service company to find out the best trees for your area.
General Tree Care for Fruit Trees
A homeowner’s best bet for having successful fruit-bearing trees is to work closely with an arborist. Tree health is an important aspect of what these specialists do. They can advise you on soil testing and whether or not your trees need tree pruning or tree trimming. Tree disease can be particularly detrimental to fruit trees and they should be watched carefully for signs of infection. The tree health care professionals may be able to treat these issues without the need for tree removal.
About Greater Pitt Tree Service
Fully insured and serving the Greater Pittsburgh, PA community for more than a quarter century, Greater Pitt Tree Service has staff that are ready to tackle your tree project. We do everything from stump removal to tree risk assessment. Call today for a free quote.