The professionals in Pittsburgh, PA want the residents to understand how important it is to care for the tree in their yards.
Here’s Why Fall Is the Best Time to Fertilize Your Trees
Humans have fertilized their crops for as long as they’ve been farming. Fertilization dates back thousands and thousands of years. It is safe to say that by now, the ins and outs of property tree fertilization have been mastered, and all the professionals agree, fertilizing trees in the fall is an absolute must. This is especially true for those trees that bloom in the spring and summertime. Just like any other plant or living thing, trees need nutrients to continue to stay strong and live their best and healthiest life. Continue reading to learn more about why fertilizing in the fall is the best for trees.
Prepare For The Next Season
As mentioned above, for many trees, the fall and winter months are the slow seasons for growth and blooming. These are notoriously the months that growth slows and available nutrients decrease.
Not only that, but the tree uses up an extraordinary amount of nutrients throughout the spring and summer months. The fertilizer replenishes these nutrients for the tree so it doesn’t have to try to do so on its own throughout the cold months.
The best type of tree fertilizers are equipped with:
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Bio-nutritional Materials
It Strengthens the Tree
When a tree is fed a healthy dose of nutrients, it inevitably becomes stronger. When a tree becomes stronger, the strength isn’t something that is necessarily visible on the service. The true test of strength resides beneath the surface in the root system of the tree. The root system keeps the tree alive and well and mainlines the nutrients needed to keep the tree beautiful on the surface.
Deep root fertilizers are a great way to provide nutrients to a tree directly where it needs it most. The happier the root system, the happier the tree. That said, applying fertilizer specifically made to nourish the deepest roots of the tree, is the quickest route to strengthening a tree.
Prolongs the Life of the Tree
As a homeowner, the term “maintenance” is used a lot, especially when it comes to helping extend the life expectancy of something in the home. The same can be said for the trees on the property. When they are properly maintained, they live longer lives as well. One of the main things to help care for and maintain a tree is to fertilize it every fall. It is this type of maintenance that truly makes a tree that is built to withstand the test of time.
Ensuring something has the nutrients and care it needs to grow independently and healthy is the best thing anyone can do as a homeowner.
Greater Pitt Tree Service Are the Professionals That Care
Regardless of what kind of trees homeowners have in their yard, the professionals at Greater Pitt Tree Service are there to ensure the trees are cared for properly. Not only that, but they want to make sure the members of the household and the surrounding homes are always safe as well. They work hard to get the job done right!