Know When It’s Time to Remove a Tree
Tree Experts in Pittsburgh, PA, Talk Tips for Knowing When It’s Time to Remove a Tree
The Importance of Trees
Trees are as much a part of our lives and enjoyment as the gardens and houses that line our streets. But as much as we don’t want to have to remove the trees that grace our yards, sometimes it’s necessary due to the health of the tree. Removing a tree is not just an aesthetic issue, it’s often a safety issue and must be done for the protection of people and property. If you’re wondering when it might be time to remove a tree on your property, keep on reading.
Tell-Tale Signs for Tree Removal
Trees will tell you when it’s time to remove them if you know the signs. Large, dead branches in the crown of your tree are a dead giveaway that your tree probably needs to be removed. This only happens when the tree is extensively damaged. If the trunk of your tree has large cracks or splits, it’s a sign to be taken seriously. This often points to significant internal decay and damage.
Though trees can continue living for a while when there is a significant amount of decay on the inside, it certainly won’t last forever this way and will eventually need removal. Finally, if a tree suddenly leans to one side, it could be a sign of structural damage and will likely need to be removed.
Treatments to Try
If you catch a problem with your trees early enough, sometimes treatments will help prolong its life. If you notice branches with fungus or disease, pruning the branches would be ideal so the fungus doesn’t have a chance to infect the rest of your tree.
Ensure your trees receive proper nutrients my mulching around the base while ensuring to leave room for absorption and breathing. Ensure roots stay unexposed to avoid root rot. If you live in an arid climate, water your trees regularly to ensure they’re getting enough hydration when rain is lacking.
Calling out one of our certified arborists to see if they have suggestions for potentially saving your tree would be a great way to see what can be done for your tree. They may be able to incorporate treatments such as chemical sprays that can help cut down on mold spread and prolong the life of your tree.
When to Talk to An Arborist
Our arborists are professionals that “speak” tree. They understand the risks with the way your tree is growing, know what signs to look for, and can make informed suggestions about how to take care of your tree – or removing it if necessary. Our arborists know what chemicals might help, can identify diseases, know how to brace trees for support, and offer pruning tips for long-term care.
If you see any signs of tree disease or decay mentioned in this article, it’s crucial to call in an arborist to have a professional diagnosis and plan drawn up for the health of your tree and the safety of those living near it.
Affordable, Best-in-Class Arborists
Greater Pitt Tree Service serves the Pittsburgh, PA, area for residential and commercial landscaping needs. They offer award-winning service for tree risk assessment, all tree services, land clearing, and timber services. With over 28 years of experience, they know how to take care of your property and every tree on it.